Home birth.
Waterbirth. VBAC. twins. Breech. Lactation.
our philosophy
At BundleBorn Midwifery, clients can expect respectful, holistic, safe care. Our midwives believe that pregnancy and birth are normal & natural body processes.
Our role is to help the family learn how to maintain optimal health throughout the pregnancy and to monitor both people for variations in the natural process. If complications arise, we use evidenced-based practice and informed shared decision making to maintain the well-being of parent and baby. We will partner with you to help guide you in the decision making. You will be at the center of all decisions about the care provided throughout your pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum care. All recommendations will be thoroughly explained & explicit consent obtained before any care is provided. We strive to be trauma-informed & culturally sensitive in all we do.
Our midwives believe in not disturbing the labor process.
We will monitor labor with as minimal intervention as possible. However, if the need for intervention arises, clients can expect to receive appropriate interventions, only as medically necessary. The important difference between BundleBorn Midwifery and some traditional obstetric care is that clients will not undergo interventions that are NOT medically necessary.
Most visits are held at our comfortable office, which is set up to be accommodating to the entire family. There is no need to find childcare for your older children, unless you simply prefer to. While BundleBorn Midwifery primarily attends home births, clients have the options of a birth center birth at Swiss Avenue Birth & Wellness (additional fees apply). If your prefer to birth in the hospital, we have a pathway for you as well. We can provide all of your prenatal visits, guide you through preparing for a natural birth in the hospital, and support you during labor at the hospital of your choice. We will help you understand the culture of the various hospital options near you & support you in choosing a facility that will best meet your hopes for your birth plan. Once discharged from the hospital, we will continue your postpartum care as well.
The number of clients will be limited, in order to ensure the highest quality of care. Reserve your spot on our calendar ASAP!
Prenatal Care
Routine Prenatal visits & labs
Listening to your baby's heart beat with fetoscope (similar to a stethoscope) or doppler (handheld electronic device)
Pregnancy Care education
Evidence-Based & Standard of Care guidelines followed, with client's consent
Monthly appointments from first visit to 28 weeks; every 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks; weekly appointments from 36 to 41 weeks; every 2-3 day appointments from 41-42 weeks
Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual preparation for labor
Home Birth
Labor & Birth in the comfort of your own home
Doula required for first natural births, and strongly encouraged for all births
Fetal heart rate monitoring with intermittent auscultation
Freedom of Movement
Comfort measures of individual's choice
Birth position of individual's choice
IV port available, but not required
Eating & drinking encouraged, as individual can tolerate & desires
Continuous labor support during active labor
Immediate skin to skin contact upon birth of baby
Delayed cord clamping
All routine procedures delayed until after baby nurses and bonds
Emergency equipment (& skills!) brought to every birth
Midwifery care continued in the event of a non-emergent transfer to Texas Health Frisco hospital
Postpartum & Newborn Care
photo credit: Lawren Rose Photography
Comprehensive newborn exam, with documentation to take to baby's health care provider
Routine baby medications available (vitamin K and erythromycin eye ointment), with parental consent only
24hr telephone support, as needed
1 day PP follow up phone call & 2-3 day PP home visit for homebirth pathway
lactation consultation
congenital heart defect screen
metabolic screening #1
physical exams, vital signs, emotional support
photo credit: Lane B Photography
2-3 week PP visit for home birther (optional for hospital birth pathway)
lactation consultation
metabolic screening #2
newborn hearing screen
physical exams, vital signs, emotional support
screening for Postpartum depression and anxiety
6wk PP visit if needed for home birthers, included for hospital pathway clients
12 week PP visit for home birthers & available to hospital birthers
family planning
lactation support
annual exam, including pap smear (if indicated)
Well-Person Care
Annual Physicals
Pap Smears
STD Testing
Blood testing
Clinical Breast/Chest Exams
Family Planning
birth control options
natural family planning & fertility awareness methods
non-pharmacological techniques, such as the Cava diaphragm
IUD insertion
Preconception Counseling
$400 for new clients
$200 per 30 minutes for established clients
lab/supply fees additional, if needed
LGBTQAI friendly midwife!
Lactation Consultations

Available to both established clients and new clients, as availability allows
Initial consultations are approximately 1.5 to 2hrs
includes 2 weeks of follow-up by phone, text, or email
Includes review of medical history for both the client and the baby
Comprehensive assessment of client and baby, with full evaluation of infant's oral-motor skills and frenulums
Feeding plan to address the root cause of your challenges will be developed together by provider and family
Specialty areas
oral restrictions (tongue and lip-tie)
nipple pain/poor latch on (including for flat or inverted nipples)
low milk supply; low weight gain
returning to work and continued lactation
adoptive lactation & re-lactation
consultations: $400 per hour
“We customize my care to suit the needs of each family. Our “routine care” is to adapt the services that weprovide. no two pregnancies, births, or babies are the same.”
“Everyone wants to know “What if...?”
If you need hospital care, you will get hospital care. If your baby needs to go to the NICU, your baby will go to the NICU. There is no care that you or your baby will be denied. However, you will not get care that you don’t need.”
When it became apparent that this brave woman would need to birth her baby in a hospital setting, BundleBorn Midwifery ensured that a team of specialists were in place. Midwife Teri was honored to continue to support this couple as they welcomed their baby under the care of obstetrician, Dr. Elizabeth Newsom. Fortunately, she was able to have her next baby at home.
We have now expanded our services to offer planned in-hospital midwifery care for those who prefer to birth in the hospital. We will support you throughout your pregnancy, during hospital admission for birth (under the medical care of the hospital staff), and throughout the postpartum period!
(photo credit: Lawren Rose Photography)
Health Share Programs
We are very familiar with health sharing programs & work with them often. We are on the “CHM-friendly providers” list & have a contract with them, for ease of submission for our clients. If you are planning a future pregnancy, we encourage you to consider CHM health share to cover your care with us. We seen clients have great experience with Samaritan Ministries, which covers midwifery services, as well as chiropractic, massage, acupuncture & more. Both CHM and Samaritan require clients to be a member prior to the start of your pregnancy. Zion Health Share is also a great option, without the religious requirement.
Insurance & Payment
Photo credit: Lawren Rose Photography
BundleBorn Midwifery is out-of-network with all insurance companies. Insurance claims will be submitted on your behalf, after the birth of the baby. Payment plans will be reviewed at your initial consultation. If your insurance company provides payment, you will be provided with reimbursement for fees beyond deductible/co-insurance levels. Fee schedule available upon request.
We are not a Medicaid participating provider.
BundleBorn Midwifery is an approved out-of-network Tricare provider.
If planning a hospital birth, it is strongly recommended that you contact your insurance company to determine which hospitals are in your plan’s network. Our fee for being your provider is still out-of-network, but the facility may be in-network.
For information on our services and the packages we offer, click the link below to contact us!